Changing the world, one period at a time!

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Why switch to Menstrual cups...?

Buy once, use every period

A menstrual cup can last for up to 10 years if properly cared for, saving you money and reducing waste every month.

Wear for up to 12 hours

You can go up to 12 hours without emptying your cup (depending on your flow volume)! Saving you time, energy and the drama of worrying about your period.

Zero-waste and Eco-friendly

Using a menstrual cup will reduce the impact of single use feminine hygiene products ending up in landfill. This has a flow on effect in not only reducing plastic waste, but reducing the impact of chemicals from tampons leeching into soil and groundwater.


Ruby Lotus Lady Cup (Twin Pack)

Buy one for you, and one for a friend...

Buy one and have a spare for your handbag...

Or, Buy one of each size to find your perfect fit...

Either way, Buy a twin pack and receive your second cup half price!

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Ruby Lotus Lady Cup Set

Buy your favourite model and steriliser cup in a set.

Easy Peasy!

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Ruby Lotus Sterilizer Cup

If you've already purchased a single cup, not to fear. You can purchase your Ruby Lotus Sterilizer cup separately.

Perfect to sterilize your cup between uses and cycles.

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Ruby Lotus Complete Lady Cup Set

The Complete Package!

Offering both our small and large Model 1 size cup, plus a 200ml steriliser in one convenient pack.

All you need for the complete Ruby Lotus experience!

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